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*Please reach out for a consultation call if you don’t see your question here
Transformational coaching involves reflection on past experiences, discovering your true self, and aligning with a sense of purpose. It focuses on personal growth, self-discovery, and achieving meaningful changes to help you create a more authentic life.
Transformational Coaching is not psychotherapy, counseling, or delving deep into the past. While it may address emotional and psychological aspects, its primary focus is on empowering clients to achieve personal growth, clarity, and goal achievement rather than diagnosing or treating mental health conditions, which I am not trained to diagnose or treat.
During our sessions, I will share insights and resources to help you with self discovery, but only you will know what is the right fit for your life and personal circumstances. My job is to help guide you along a journey, to better understand yourself, discover your beliefs & values, and plan a path forward with all of those things in mind.
The duration of coaching varies depending on individual goals and progress. Some clients may see results in a few sessions, while others may choose to work with me over several months to achieve deeper transformation.